Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 53, Feb 23, 2011

We are on Day 53 of the 4HB. Wow. Our posts have dropped off just due to busy schedules and traveling, but we are still going full-steam ahead and maintaining a daily diet (except for cheat day) of beans/protein/veggie at each of the four meals.

Cheat days continue to be fun. We are discovering (re-discovering) the things that we crave and we are so different. B wants meat (?!), chips, rice/pasta, beer and Bee wants anything baked, cheese, milk, bananas; where we agree? Chocolate, lots and lots of sugared chocolate.

New topic: Sugar-free. So, the bulk section has some sugar-free options, which if you read the label closely, turns out to still be made with a natural form of sugar. Confused? Yeah, me too. They can be made with "malitol/maltitol" or "zylitol/xylitol"

1. Malitol: A natural sugar free sweetener, which has 90% the sweetness of sugar. It is slower assimilated and does not spike up blood glucose levels as sugar does, which makes it a good alternative to sugar, for Diabetics and Low Carb Dieters.

2. Zylitol: A natural sugar free sweetener derived from plants. It has same sweetness in equal proportions to regular sucrose sugar, with 1/3 fewer calories, and no unpleasant after taste.

Excessive use of these can cause abdominal distress because they are slower to be absorbed by the body...note to self :-)

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