Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 20, (January 21, 2011)

4-Hour Body Journal, Day 20, (January 21, 2011)

Morning Weigh In 

Bob - 189.6 lbs with 30.1% body fat. (My second sub-190 day!))
Bee - still hovering at 5 lbs down

5:30 a.m.
Coffee, Splenda & Creamer

6:30 a.m.
Egg whites, 1 Eggs
Lentils & Mixed Veg
Medium Salsa

10:30 a.m.
(Bob) Talapia with tomatoes, mixed veg and lentils, 1 hard-boiled egg
(Bee) Leftover bean soup with chicken and sausage, 1 hardboiled egg, small piece chicken

12:30 p.m.
(Bob) Mixed nuts (slightly smaller portions from today onward).

2:30 p.m.
(Bob) Baked chicken, 1 hardboiled egg, small amount of veggies/lentils

3 p.m.
(Bee) Leftover baked Talapia with tomatoes, mixed veg and lentils, and feeling snack-y, so I had some cashews and peanuts with cup of black tea

7 pm.
Pan-seared then broiled flank steak marinated with sauce (garlic/lemon?), steamed then browned brussel sprouts, and pinto beans tossed with garlic powder. Red wine.

  • (Bee) Feeling good, going to Outback was fun, and having "just" steak w/mushrooms, house salad, and steamed veggies was still a treat, I did miss the croutons and cheese on the salad a little but but really missed the brown bread and butter, which our dinner companion had. :-( However, tonight, I'm looking forward to baking some banana bread and gorging on it all day tomorrow.
  • (Bob) Yesterday I still had residual Meniere's effects, at one point I decided to take a sea-sick pill.  I'm not sure if it was effective or if what I was feeling naturally subsided, but it ended up OK.  We ate with a friend at Outback.  The steak was prepared without their normal seasonings and was quite good.  The salad was good, but I'm pretty sure there was salt on the broccoli.  I'll need to be careful of salt again today.
Some of our favorite recipes can be found here: 4-HB Recipes

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